The more we share the more we have


The art of sharing is mostly attributed to material possessions, but we all have a wealth of knowledge and skills that are individual to our life experiences. No two people will ever experience the same opportunities or lessons.  Your story and experience is unique to you alone.

As a single parent of 3 children, dealing with the everyday struggles and the ever increasing rise in costs. It dawned on me, when was the last time I treated myself? when was the last time I did something for me? Ummmm Its been a long time, mostly because there are life essentials that require paying for.

This got me to thinking....

I am not the only person in this situation surely?

I have skills that I can offer someone else!

Maybe they have skills to offer me in return!

So this is where the idea of Skills 4 Skills came from, a passion to help others feel better about themselves without the cost that comes with it.

If you have a skill you are willing to share in exchange for skill you require then please contact us.


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